Worship at First Baptist Church is intended to provide opportunities for God to shape us into His own image.  Through celebration and prayer with music and preaching, we offer thanksgiving to God and offer our time and talents to Him.  Although it is our deep desire that all our times of worship be winsome and relevant, our greatest concern is that we learn to pay attention to God together. We are discovering that worship of God is often joyous and encouraging, but can also provide opportunity for thoughtfulness and reflection.     


The Bible is the source-book for all our worship.  We pay attention to Gods story by listening carefully to the individual stories of Scripture and we are shaped in our prayers and songs by the entire text of the Bible. Our services include contemporary songs of worship as well as traditional hymns along with vibrant preaching and opportunities for personal and community response.  By paying attention to the Christian calendar (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost) we are renewed in our faith and shaped into discipleship through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. 


In addition to our regular Sunday morning worship service (10:15 am), we often gather for special worship opportunities.  These include Youth-led worship experiences, Morning Prayers during Holy Week, Maundy Thursday services, Annual Singing Christmas Tree, Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Services among others.





First Baptist Church was the first church to be built in Lincoln County, Nebraska.  The church was originally built in 1870 and by 1872 had 12 members!  HOW TIMES CHANGE!


     First Baptist Church in 1912!                                                                                                                                                                                               










                                                                                                                                                               What we look like now !              



At First Baptist Church we exist to experience God through following Christ, Becoming like Him,

and committing to share God's love.

To reach up, reach out, and reach in as an intergenerational community to share Christ's presence with everyone.


We reach up through....

     Passionate Worship

     Extravagant Generosity





We reach out through....

     Risk-Taking Missions and Service

     Whole-Hearted Hospitality


We reach in through....

Intentional Spiritual Transformation    

 Sacrificial Care for One Another