
Fellowship is the sharing of ourselves with one another in the community of faith.  Like the earliest Christians in the book of Acts we seek to dedicate ourselves to fellowship by finding creative ways to come together as the community of Christ.

Deacon Leaders

Larry and Kathy Adkisson

Email: kala1@charter.net

Home: 308-532-7037


Worship Greeters (F001): 

Meeting members and guests at the door with a warm handshake and big smile in a welcoming way is vital to beginning a good worship experience.  Worship greeters stand at our east and west entryways into the sanctuary to welcome guests and members by shaking hands and giving a kind word of welcome.  If you would like to participate in this easy to do and fun ministry please contact:


Team Leader - Mabel Clark

Email: clarkmm@ymail.com

Home: 308-532-7463


Welcome coffee (F002):

We all like a warm welcome when we enter the church space on Sunday mornings. This team sets up coffee and morning treats on the third Sunday of the month in a designated location for us to enjoy prior to Sunday school and worship. 


Team Leader: Lisa Lindemeier 

Phone: 308-534-4719

Email: lisalindemeier@hotmail.com

Welcome Visitors/New Members (F003):

Making visitors and new members feel part of the community is vital to our ministry life at FBC.  This team seeks to make first contact with visitors to our church as well as create activities and events that help assimilate regular attendees and new members into our community of faith.


Team Leader-Pat Dannatt

Email: salzypat@gmail.com 

Home: 308-539-3614

Potluck (F004):

Bring a covered dish, salad or dessert.  This team organizes and schedules dinners and encourages members and guests to attend.  Most potlucks are a time for us to just get together and have a good meal together, sometimes these meals are held in conjunction with various meetings.


Team Leader-Denise Nutter

Email: gdnut@hersheytel.net

Home: 308-534-4352 


Middlers Fellowship (F007):

A group of adults who get together and enjoy fellowship, going out to eat or playing games.  For more information on this group of fun loving people contact:

Team Leader – Bob & Margene Phares

Email: mbphares@msn.com

Home: 308-532-3290

Agape Fellowship (F008):

This is a group of people who meet on a bi-monthly basis just to have a good time.  We go to basketball games, play board games, go on hayrides, or just meet to eat!  If you would like to get to know other members of First Baptist Church on a more informal basis, consider getting involved with Agape Fellowship.


Team Leader – Deanna Hoatson

Email: litework@kdsi.net

Home: 308-532-4371


Family Recreation and Sports (F009):

This a group of people who would like to get together and have lots of fun and also a little competition please come join us.  We can form teams to play softball, volleyball, golf or any other sports.  Come join the fun.


Team Leaders - Wayne and Denise Anderson

Email: wdcanderson@charter.net

Phone: 308-532-5270


Ladies Night Out (F010):

This a group of elderly women from our congregation who get together on a regular basis.  They enjoy worship, fellowship and supporting  one another.  To join this group of active women contact:

Team leader - Barb Conley, Senior Adult Minister

Email: bclifter@yahoo.com

Home: 308-534-2209

Wednesday Family Suppers (F012):

Come and bring the family and friends for dinner, socializing and fellowship every Wednesday night through-out the academic year.   Volunteer cooks always needed.

Church Office

Team Leader: Kathy & Larry Adkisson

Email: fbcnp@kdsi.net

Phone: 308-532-6772